Serdar Hizli

Illustrator Serdar Hizli was born on May 5, 1959, in Izmit/Kocaeli/Turkey, as the middle child of a family with three boys. His father, Abdullah Hizli, was a civil servant, and his mother, Meliha Hizli, was a housewife. After completing his primary and secondary education in his hometown, he entered Istanbul Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Faculty of Architecture, after succeeding in university entrance exams.


Serdar Hizli, who had a great interest in painting, cinema, music, and literature, was initially influenced by his father, who painted as a hobby, and comic magazines like ZIPZIP, 1001 Roman, and Dogan Kardes. He started making comic strip attempts before elementary school. During middle school, he published a wall newspaper. When he started high school, he wrote short stories for a local magazine.


While his amateur drawings were published in the reader pages of HEY Magazine, he started his first professional works at the age of 15, illustrating stories for the local newspaper KOCAELI. His first comic book, „Gecmisten Gelen Adam“ (The Man from the Past), was published in KOCAELI Newspaper, followed by „Suskun Gece“ (Silent Night) and other comic books. He continued to produce comic books by transferring to „BARIS“ newspaper, another local newspaper.


When he was 18 years old, he won an art competition organized by HEY Magazine, which led to an invitation from the magazine’s executives, Dogan Sener and Yener Süsoy. While continuing his university education, he started drawing posters of celebrities for HEY Magazine. The magazine’s editor, Dogan Sener, entrusted Hızlı with creating cover illustrations for the magazine’s supplement called „MÜZIK DÜNYASI“ (Music World). He also drew cover illustrations for the comic book magazine „Yüzbasi Volkan“ published by ALFA Publications owned by Ali Recan. Additionally, he created numerous cover illustrations for Teksas, Tommiks, Teks, and Kit Taylor comic book magazines by CEYLAN Publications owned by Erdogan Egeli.


Having dreamed of promoting his works worldwide since childhood, the artist wrote and illustrated 11 short horror stories for a publishing house in Germany and created 2 long comic books for „Phantom“ magazine, known as „Kizilmaske“ in Turkey. After completing his architecture education in 1983, he sought ways to establish connections with other publishers in Germany and sent three James Dean portraits he drew to the German youth magazine „BRAVO.“ Upon the positive reception of his drawings, he was invited to a meeting by the magazine’s executives. After staying in Munich for a while, he returned to Turkey to fulfill his military service. After completing his military duty, while working as a site supervisor for two years at an industrial site in Istanbul/Topkapi, he created posters for HEY Magazine and story illustrations for Erkekce Magazine. As his Western novel cover illustrations started to be continuously published by Martin Kelter Verlag in Hamburg, he moved to Germany and began living in Berlin. He continued to create cover illustrations for Kelter Verlag, cover illustrations for Tip Magazine, advertising posters and storyboards for various agencies, CD/MC cover illustrations for Edel Company, including the music of Rod Stewart and films featuring Clint Eastwood, and celebrity posters for Pop/Rocky Magazine. His cover works were published in various European countries such as Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, and Sweden. He worked with illustration agencies in Hamburg and New York.

Serdar Hizli realized his dream of promoting his works worldwide by signing an agreement with Scandecor, one of the largest poster companies of those years. After catching the attention of the company’s art director, his poster titled „Stars On Top“ was released for sale worldwide and achieved a significant sales graph, selling millions of copies between 1996 and 2000. Inspired by the classic black and white photograph „Lunchtime Atop A Skyscraper,“ taken during the construction of skyscrapers in New York in 1932, which showed eleven male workers having lunch on an iron beam 256 meters above the ground, he created a colored poster featuring Hollywood celebrities. Following the great interest in the poster, he drew a poster titled „Stars On Top 2“ with female Hollywood stars. Between 1996 and 2004, Hizli created twelve poster works for Scandecor, which were sold worldwide. His international works were introduced to the audience on the „Arena“ program, hosted and prepared by Ugur Dündar, on Kanal D in 1996.

As an artist who produced paintings in the Pop Art and abstract genres for collectors at one point, Hızlı’s works continue to be published in international media.


Illüstratör Serdar Hizli üc erkek cocuklu bir ailenin ortancasi olarak 05. 05. 1959 tarihinde Izmit/ Kocaeli / Türkiye‘de dünyaya geldi. Babasi Abdullah Hizli devlet memuru, annesi Meliha Hizli ev kadiniydi. Ilk ve orta ögrenimini dogdugu sehirde yaptiktan sonra üniversite giris sinavlarini kazanarak yüksek ögrenimini Istanbul Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Mimarlik Fakültesi‘nde tamamladi. 


Resim, sinema, müzik ve edebiyata büyük ilgi duyan Serdar Hizli, öncelikle hobi olarak resim yapan babasindan ve ZIPZIP, 1001 Roman ve Dogan Kardes gibi cizgi roman dergilerinden etkilendi. Ilkokul öncesinde cizgi roman denemeleri yapmaya basladi. Ortaokul ögrencisiyken duvar gazetesi cikardi. Lise egitimine basladiginda yerel bir dergiye kisa öyküler yazdi. 


Amatör olarak cizdigi resimler HEY Dergisi‘nin okuyucu sayfalarinda yayinlanirken ilk profesyonel calismalarini 15 yasindayken yerel gazete KOCAELI icin öyküler resimleyerek yapti. Ilk cizgi romani „Gecmisten Gelen Adam“ KOCAELI Gazetesinde yayinlandi, bunu „Suskun Gece“ ve diger cizgi romanlari izledi. Yine yerel bir gazete olan „BARIS“ Gazetesine transfer olarak cizgi romanlar üretmeyi sürdürdü. 


18 yasindayken HEY Dergisi‘nin actigi resim yarismasini kazaninca dergi yöneticileri Dogan Sener ve Yener Süsoy tarafindan görüsmeye davet edildi. Üniversite egitimine devam ederken HEY Dergisi icin ünlülerin posterlerini cizmeye basladi. Dergi yöneticisi Dogan Sener, derginin „MÜZIK DÜNYASI“ adli ekinin kapak resimlerini de Hizli‘ya emanet etti. Ali Recan‘in sahibi oldugu ALFA Yayinlarinin cikardigi Yüzbasi Volkan adli cizgi roman dergisi icin kapak resimleri cizdi. Ayni zamanda Erdogan Egeli‘ye ait CEYLAN Yayinlarinin cizgi roman dergileri Teksas, Tommiks, Teks, Kit Taylor icin cok sayida kapak resmi cizdi. 


Cocukluk yillarindan baslayarak calismalarini Dünya capinda tanitmanin hayalini kuran sanatci, Almanya‘daki bir yayinevi icin 11 adet kisa korku öyküsünü ve Türkiye‘de „Kizilmaske“ adiyla taninan „Phantom“ dergisi icin 2 adet uzun cizgi romani yazip resimledi. 

1983 yilinda Mimarlik egitimini tamamladiktan sonra Almanya‘daki diger yayinevleriyle baglanti kurmanin yollarini aradi ve cizdigi 3 adet James Dean portresini Alman genclik dergisi „BRAVO“ya gönderdi. Cizgilerinin begenilmesi üzerine dergi yöneticileri tarafindan görüsmek icin davet edildi. Münih‘te bir süre kaldiktan sonra vatani görevini yapmak üzere Türkiye‘ye döndü. Askerlik görevini tamamladiktan sonra Istanbul / Topkapi‘da bir sanayi sitesinde iki yil süreyle santiye sefi olarak calisirken HEY Dergisi‘ne posterler ve Erkekce Dergisi‘ne öykü illüstrasyonlari yapti. Cizdigi western roman kapak resimlerinin Hamburg‘daki Martin Kelter Verlag tarafindan sürekli olarak yayinlanmaya baslamasi üzerine 

Almanya‘ya gelerek Berlin‘de yasamaya basladi. Kelter Verlag icin kapak resimleri cizmeye devam ederken Tip Magazine icin kapak resimleri, cesitli ajanslara reklam afisleri ve story boardlar, Edel Company firmasina Rod Stewart, Clint Eastwood‘un rol aldigi filmlerin müzikleri gibi CD / MC kapak resimleri, Pop / Rocky dergisine ünlülerin posterlerini cizdi. Almanya, Belcika, Cek Cumhuriyeti, Isvec gibi cesitli Avrupa ülkelerinde binlerce kapak calismasi yayinlandi. Hamburg ve New York‘taki illüstrasyon ajanslariyla calisti. 

Serdar Hizli, calismalarini bütün Dünya‘ya tanitma hayalini o yillarin en büyük poster firmalarindan biri olan Scandecor‘la yaptigi anlasmayla gerceklestirdi. Calismalarinin firmanin sanat yönetmeninin dikkatini cekmesi üzerine cizdigi „Stars On Top“ adli poster bütün Dünya‘da satisa cikarildi ve 1996-2000 yillari arasinda milyonlarca satilarak büyük bir satis grafigi yakaladi. 1932 yilinda New York‘ta gökdelenlerin yapimi sirasinda cekilen, yerden 256 metre yüksekte demir bir kiris üzerinde ögle yemegi yiyen on bir erkek iscinin göründügü „Lunchtime Atop A Skyscraper““ adli siyah-beyaz klasik fotograftan esinlenerek renkli olarak cizdigi posterde Hollywood ünlülerine yer verdi. Posterin gördügü büyük ilgi üzerine kadin Hollywood yildizlariyla „Stars On Top 2„ adli posteri cizdi. Sanatci, Scandecor Firmasi icin 1996-2004 yillari arasinda bütün Dünya‘da satisa cikarilan on iki poster calismasi yapti. Hizli‘nin uluslararasi calismalari 1996 yilinda Kanal D ekranlarinda Ugur Dündar‘in hazirlayip sundugu „Arena“ programinda izleyicilere tanitildi. 

Bir dönem koleksiyoncular icin Pop Art ve abstract türlerinde tablolar üreten sanatcinin calismalari halen uluslararasi basinda yayinlanmaya devam etmektedir.